Koitaleel Samoei University College

Koitaleel Samoei University College
Cover for Koitaleel Samoei University College
Koitaleel Samoei University College

Koitaleel Samoei University College

Foundation of Freedom & Justice

KSUC HOSTS KARATINA UNIVERSITYIt was a chilly bustling morning when the Vice Chancellor of Karatina University, Prof Linus Gitonga, representatives of staff, students and landlords near Karatina University arrived at Koitaleel Samoei University College with a mission learn from KSUC's external accommodation model. The delegation was accorded warm welcome by the Principal, Prof Winston Akala setting the tone for a day of fruitful discussions and insights.Among other objectives, the delegation wanted to to experience the effective relationship KSUC has fostered with its external landlords and to gather insights on efficient administrative practices, They also wanted to know the strategies they can use to achieve and maintain the good relationship between the landlords and the students and how security matters outside campus are tackled.All these activities that were actively done in a meeting with members of MOLA ( mosoriot landlords association)later in the day. By the end of the visit both Universities had established a mutual understanding and a framework for future collaboration thus setting a solid foundation for improving student accommodation and administrative efficiency in their respective institutions.#KaribuKSUCAsa LeleiLelei ... See MoreSee Less
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KSUC MEETS LANDLORDS IN PREPARATION FOR THE UPCOMING INTAKEThe Principal, Prof. Winston Akala together with members of the university staff, held a meeting with the Mosoriot landlords to assess the level of preparedness in readiness for the upcoming intake that will see Koitaleel Samoei University College receive slightly over 1000 new students. Prof. Akala began the meeting with a comprehensive presentation on collaborative efforts between the university and local landlords, highlighting key strategies and agreements to ensure students have access to quality and affordable housing.The chairman of the Mosoriot Landlords Association, along with his team, responded to questions directed at them. They outlined the strategies they have implemented to guarantee the security of students in their external hostels. Additionally, they elaborated on specific measures in place to minimize conflicts between landlords and students.Present in the meeting were representatives from Karatina University led by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Linus Gitonga who were on a mission to identify the best practices KSUC has put in place in ensuring seamless collaboration with the community in providing reliable, safe and affordable accommodation to students outside campus#karibuksuc!By Cheruu C Melly ... See MoreSee Less
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KSUC HOSTS ST. MAURICE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL -LUNYUKoitaleel Samoei University College was honored to host the bright minds from St. Maurice Boys High School and hope to inspire them to pursue higher education. The students, accompanied by their teachers, Madam Joyce and Mr. Reuben were given a comprehensive tour of the University Campus by the Head of the Public Relations Kipsaro Arap Boit. They visited various facilities including the Schools, the library, and the health unit. They also appreciated the vast KSUC playing fields that have hosted huge sporting and social events.The visit included a brief talk from Mr. Boit. The teachers urged the students to work hard so as to be able to fulfil their career desires. They further expressed their gratitude to KSUC for the enriching experience.The visit was a success. It not only inspired the young students to aspire for higher education but also created a bond between the two ln educational institutions. #karubuksuc!By Jane Muthoni ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOUR LEADER: LUCKY MORAA: KSUSA VICE CHAIRPERSONLucky Moraa embarked on her path to greatness from Kisii County to the sprawling hills of Koitaleel Samoei University College where she is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Education in English Literature. Her leadership journey began long ago with a spark ignited by faith and determination at Riomego SDA where she served as a class monitor. This early taste of responsibility fueled her leadership ambitions further in high school where she was elected as the Dorm Mummy, entrusted with the welfare of her peers—a testament to her reliability and compassion. Upon KSUC, Lucky came into a realization of her ability to lead and serve. She courageously contested for leadership roles within the student body where she was elected the Vice Chairperson of the Koitaleel Samoei University Students’ Association (KSUSA), a position she cherishes with humility and determination.Moraa, with her passion for education and steadfast belief in the power of service, she is poised to work closely with the students and the college management in initiating and implementing programs that will propel KSUC to better heights. She loves being at the University College and enjoys her stay at the institution that has offered her an opportunity to grow.#KaribuKSUC!By Asa Lelei ... See MoreSee Less
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Koitaleel Samoei University College was a proud host of Nandi County's Primary and Junior Secondary Schools competitions.Young talents from across gave hope to the future of sports in the county while they displayed their potential and played their hearts out.KSUC is committed to nurturing talents for global impa#karibuksucuksuc ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOUR LEADER.ISAYA ILAINI: SECRETARY GENERALMeet Isaya Ilaini, a talented leader who, despite being a football and handball player, has passion for leadership that began since his childhood. After a sterling performance in primary school, he joined high school and served as an assistant Timekeeper, a Deputy School Captain and later School Captain while maintaining good grades in his academics.He later secured admission at Koitaleel Samoei University College in 2021 to pursue Bachelor of Education Arts [Geography and Religion]. Isaya was inspired to join KSUC because the university provides opportunity to connect with his peers and professionals in the institution which is beneficial for his future career and personal opportunities. He also had a strong desire to gain knowledge. His life at KSUC has been progressive and he has had a chance to practice his entrepreneurial skills like selling smokies and eggs. He has also been actively involved in sporting activities such as football, darts and chess.Isaya, through a competitive beaty pageant in KSUC Cultural Day was crowed the second Mr. KSUC. Ilaini was, at same time, the class representative of a Geography class. In 2024 he was elected as the Secretary General. He is also the Organizing Secretary for Ajira Club and the Chairperson of Bio Cosmos Club Kenya. Aside from the leadership qualities that he possesses, he has a desire to make a difference, become a beacon of trust that empowers hearts in actions.Ilaini is a living example that KSUC is a University College that gives leaners opportunities to explore their limitless potential. He advises potential students looking for to choose KSUC due to its commitment to nurturing student with knowledge and skills for global impact.By Jane Muthoni ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOUR STUDENT LEADERRACHEL MKAMBE KALAMA: KSUSA TREASURERRachel Mkambe Kalama, originally from Mombasa, embarked on her academic journey at Blue Field Academy then later to St. Johns Girls Secondary School in Kilifi. Her Passion for leadership emerged when she joined high school where she was appointed the Academic Prefect. She later became the Chairperson of the French Club, due to her diligence and commitment throughout her secondary years.After a sterling performance in KCSE, Rachel secured admission at Koitaleel Samoei University College where she not only focused on academics, but also ventured into Student Leadership and successfully becoming the Treasurer after her coalition’s victory in April. Her motivation to serve others and leave a long-lasting positive impact drives her leadership journey. Rachel loves the KSUC serene environment and the camaraderie among students from diverse backgrounds. She appreciates the supportive faculty, the vibrant campus life, and the dedication of everyone contributing to the KSUC community. Rachel Mkambe Kalama is set to continue her journey of leadership and service, aiming to make a difference while leaving a legacy that inspires others positively. She encourages others to join KSUC, a constituent college of the University of Nairobi producing and nurturing quality talent and research for global impact.By Asa Lelei ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOUR LEADERBRIAN KEMBOI: ACADEMICS DIRECTORBrian Kemboi was born and raised in Kesses constituency Uasin Gishu County. He started his primary education in Boror primary school and completed in 2017. He joined Chirchir Secondary school where apart from working hard in matters of academia, he was appointed as the class representative and actively participated in clubs and sporting activities. In the year 2023 he secured admission at Koitaleel Samoei University College to pursue a Bachelor of Education Arts [History and Kiswahili]. He was inspired to join KSUC because he wanted to be part of the growing university and channel his energies towards its growth throughout his studies. Since serving and representing others was his passion he successfully ran for office as the Academic Director through a competitive election. Brian is focused on serving the comrades wholeheartedly and delivering the best leadership possible by ensuring a conducive learning environment, timely release of important academic information and a smooth running of lectures to the benefit of the student fraternity.His life at KSUC has always been fulfilling. He enjoys interaction with comrades from all parts of the country with different cultures. He encourages others to join KSUC without a second thought since the university’s college offers high quality best courses in an ambient environment.By Jane Muthoni ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOU LEADERGEORGE OCHIENG: SPORTS DIRECTORMeet George Ochieng, widely known as Casemiro Casee KE. Born and raised in Kisumu County, George began his educational journey, where he distinguished himself as a class monitor, bell ringer, games captain, and scout commander. In 2016, he successfully completed his KCPE exams and proceeded to High School.During his time in high school, George served as the dorm prefect in Form Three and later as the school boarding captain in Form Four, demonstrating his dedication and leadership abilities. In 2021, he excelled in his KCSE exams, achieving a commendable grade.For his undergraduate studies, George enrolled at Koitaleel Samoei University College, pursuing a degree in Education Arts with a focus on Kiswahili and Geography. He was drawn to KSUC because of its status as a developing institution, which ensures efficient program delivery and streamlined academic processes. Moreover, the manageable student population allows for personalized attention and prompt responses to student needs. KSUC is also a constituent college of the University of Nairobi.George has embraced his time at KSUC, fostering strong relationships not only with fellow students but also within the wider community. He values the university's mission to nurture talents for sustainable development, emphasizing the continuity of talent development beyond high school.Driven by his passion for leadership, George has held various positions of responsibility throughout his academic career. From primary school as a class monitor to high school as a boarding captain, and now at KSUC, where he was elected as the 3rd Sports Director in his second year. In the 2024 elections, he was re-elected as the 4th Sports Director, a role he continues to fulfil with diligence and dedication.Reflecting on his experience, George expresses his liking for KSUC, citing the supportive staff and the serene environment of Koitaleel as key factors in his positive university experience."I love being at KSUC because the school's mission aligns with my values of nurturing talents for sustainable development, allowing students to thrive beyond their high school years," George remarked.George Ochieng, embodies leadership, dedication, and a commitment to nurturing talents at Koitaleel Samoei University College by leading a successful docket that has been identified as the University College niche. His journey from primary school to university is a testament to his passion for education and community engagement.By Asa Lelei ... See MoreSee Less
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KNOW YOUR LEADER: JAMES MUNYWA ROMWENA (James Nganu) - SOCIAL WELFARE DIRECTOR. Born and raised in Kitui, James’ leadership potential started at a very early stage in his primary school where he served as a prefect and later a head boy. This trailed him to high school where he served in various positions as a Peer Counsellor, Dorm Prefect and Chairman of Journalism Club and Young Catholic Service (YCS) Organizing Secretary. He also served as an altar boy and a choir member, a role he still enjoys to date.He successfully secured admission at Koitaleel Samoei University College in the year 2021 to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. Inspired by the eponymous hero Koitaleel Samoei, James holds close the values of ressilience and courage and has continued to serve as an ordinary student but with very outstanding qualities. While in KSUC, James has Served as the Catholic Students’ Association Secretary General and recently elected as a Social Welfare Director of Koitaleel Samoei University Students Association (KSUSA) after successful mentorship and inspiration by a former KSUSA leader. He is committed to ensure consistent improvement of Student’s Welfare with plans to introduce Comrade for Comrade Initiative that will seek the students’ participation in contributing towards the welfare of their colleagues facing challenges.He is proud to be a student at KSUC due to the good relations between the students and the lecturers and the existing strong unity among the comrades. He welcomes all students interested to join KSUC.He aspires to become a useful connection between comrades and University College staff in pursuit of a peaceful co-existence.Apart from his passion for leadership, James has other talents and abilities that make him stand out among his peers. He is a comedian, a writer and a part time master of ceremony.By Cheruu C Melly ... See MoreSee Less
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