The Librarian

College Librarian
Message from Librarian
Koitaleel Samoei University College (KSUC) was established in 2015 as a constituent college of the University of Nairobi. The Library supports the research information and instructional needs of the surrounding community particularly students, faculty and staff. The College Library system has a collection of resources which include print books, journals, newspapers, audiovisual and digital media. KSUC Library access to different databases that provide access to world class online channels and e-books which are accessed by users
A catalogue of information materials held in the system is available electronically through the on-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is web based. The system is open to staff and students of the college for reference and borrowing.
I look forward to interacting with you in the library through our email provided on our website and other available social media platforms.