Koitaleel Samoei University College is exploring partnership with Spaces Mobile App and Mosoriot Landlords to address the surging challenge of accommodation around Mosoriot Town.
The partnership comes at the verge of the September intake which will see KSUC admit the highest number of freshmen since establishment.
In efforts to address the challenges that come with the increased number of student residents in the fast-growing Mosoriot town, the Spaces Mobile App provides an online directory that enables parents and students to explore, view and book accommodation at the comfort of their smartphones.
The app, having played a vital role in the recently concluded Devolution Conference in Eldoret, boasts of a versatile space offering virtual exhibition, point of sale and business opportunity centre. The app can be downloaded on the playstore for use. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
The Spaces team has embarked on an aggressive geo-mapping exercise of all the accommodation facilities, an exercise that will be concluded in a week’s time
Both new and ongoing students will have an opportunity to use the platform to secure accommodation conveniently without a hassle.
The KSUC Head of Infrastructure Eng. Simon Kirui embraced the innovation as it shall address the challenges the stakeholders have been facing in the past.
The Spaces CEO Ms. Dorothy Kili committed to deliver the solution in time so as to allow the users to utilize the service, a move that was welcomed by Mr. Kiptoo, the Chairman of the Landlord’s Association